2006-08-09 13:52:35 来源:WEB开发网* Elder Scrolls IV, The: Oblivion v1.1 Beta Patch (32 Bit) [NOTE: Decreased frame rates!]
* Eve-Online (32 Bit) [NOTE: See this Eve-Online Forums post.]
* EverQuest 2 (32 Bit)
* Final Fantasy XI (32 Bit) [NOTE: The autorun feature on the Vana'diel Collection DVD locks up, so you must manually launch the setup.]
* GTA: San Andreas (32 Bit)
* Half-Life (32 Bit)
* Half-Life 2 (32 Bit)
* Medal of Honor Pacific Assault Spanish (32 Bit)
* Myst V: End Of Ages (32 Bit)
* Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 (32 Bit)
* Painkiller (32 Bit)
* Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (32 Bit)
* Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (32 Bit)
* Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (32 Bit)
* Pro Evolution Soccer 5 (32 Bit)
* Quake III: Arena (32 Bit)
* Quake 4 (32 Bit)
* Red Alert 2 (32 Bit)
* Return To Castle Wolfenstein (32 Bit) {PB} [NOTE: Single player works fine, but PB kicks because of "unknown windows API" all the time when playing on the server.] {EDITOR'S NOTE: Have you also tried enabling "Windows XP" compatability mode as well as admin rights?}
* SimCity 4 Deluxe (32 Bit)
* Sims 2, The + its Expansion Packs (32 Bit) [NOTE: Some graphic settings unavailable.]
* Starcraft (32 Bit) [NOTE: Single player works fine, but multiplayer reports problems with UDP ports.]