在 AIX 平台下编译安装 Sendmail
2008-09-06 08:20:57 来源:WEB开发网# cd ../.. # 回到 sendmail-8.14.3 解压后目录 .
# sh Build # 开始编译,在编译过程中请注意请忽略类似以下错误提示 :
……( 省略 )
Making dependencies in /tmp/sendmail/sendmail-8.14.3/obj.AIX.5.3.7.PPC/vacation
rm -f sm_os.h
ln -f -s ../../include/sm/os/sm_os_aix.h sm_os.h
for i in vacation.c ; do gcc -M -E -I. -I../../sendmail -I../../include
-DNDBM -DNIS -DMAP_REGEX -D_AIX5=50300 -DNOT_SENDMAIL $i > /dev/null;
cat `basename $i .c`.u >> Makefile ; rm -f `basename $i .c`.u ; done;
cat: cannot open vacation.u
make: The error code from the last command is 2.
# mkdir /var/spool/clientmqueue # 如果这个目录不存在请手动创建它
# chown -R smmsp:smmsp /var/spool/clientmqueue
# chmod 770 /var/spool/clientmqueue
# sh Build install # 继续编译安装
在编译的最后阶段您可以看到如输出信息,表示安装已经成功 :
…… ( 省略 )
Making all in:
Configuration: pfx=, os=AIX, rel=5.3.7, rbase=5, rroot=5.3, arch=PPC, sfx=,
Making in /tmp/sendmail/sendmail-8.14.3/obj.AIX.5.3.7.PPC/vacation
/usr/ucb/install -c -o bin -g bin -m 555 vacation /usr/bin
/usr/ucb/install -c -o bin -g bin -m 444 vacation.0 /usr/share/man/cat1/vacation.1
Target "install" is up to date.