开发学院操作系统Linux/Unix RSCT 资源管理及监控 阅读

RSCT 资源管理及监控

 2008-11-13 08:31:48 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示: 示例 2c176n11:/ # lsrsrcdef -c -e "IBM.FileSystem"Resource Class Definition for IBM.FileSystemresource class 1:class_name = "IBM.Fil

示例 2

c176n11:/ # lsrsrcdef -c -e "IBM.FileSystem"
Resource Class Definition for IBM.FileSystem
resource class 1:
class_name = "IBM.FileSystem"
class_id = 9
properties = {"has_rsrc_insts","has_ctrl_interface","mtype_subdivided"}
display_name = "File System"
description = "The FileSystem resource class monitors the attributes and
         mount status of all resources."
locator = "NodeNameList"
class_pattr_count = 1
class_dattr_count = 3
class_action_count = 0
pattr_count = 32
dattr_count = 4
action_count = 0
error_count = 0
rsrc_mgr_count = 1
rsrc_mgrs 1:
mgr_name = "IBM.FSRM"
first_key = 1
last_key = 1

资源类本身也有一些属性可以通过 lsrsrcdef -c -A p|d resource_class 来进一步显示,其中 -A 选项表示希望显示的属性是永久属性(-A p), 还是动态属性(-A d), 这类属性值可能随时发生变化。如果要显示资源相关信息,只要去掉 lsrsrcdef 命令中的 -c 选项并加上 -A d|p 选项,其中 -A d 表示显示动态属性,-A p 显示永久属性。示例 3 显示 IBM.FileSystem 资源的动态属性定义:

示例 3

c176n11:/ # lsrsrcdef -Ad -e "IBM.FileSystem"
Resource Dynamic Attribute Definitions for IBM.FileSystem
attribute 1:
program_name = "OpState"
display_name = "Operational State"
group_name = "General"
properties = {"public"}
description = "Whenever the operational state of a resource is changed,
         this dynamic attribute is asserted."
attribute_id = 1
group_id = 0
data_type = "uint32"
variable_type = "state"
variety_list = {[1,8]}
variety_count = 1
init_value = 0
min_value = 0
max_value = 100
expression = "OpState != 1"
expression_description = "An event will be generated when the filesystem goes offline."
rearm_expression = ""
rearm_description = ""
PTX_name = ""
attribute 2:
program_name = "PercentTotUsed"
attribute 3:
program_name = "PercentINodeUsed"

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Tags:RSCT 资源管理 监控

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