开发学院服务器WEB服务器Apache 如何检测和重启Apache和Lighttpd 阅读


 2007-03-04 00:00:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示: Personally I always install and configure monit on all boxes which are under my control.Install monit under Debian or Ubuntu LinuxUse apt-get comman

Personally I always install and configure monit on all boxes which are under my control.

Install monit under Debian or Ubuntu Linux

Use apt-get command to install monit

# apt-get install monitOR$ sudo apt-get install monit

Install monit under Red Hat enterprise Linux (source code installation)

Many distributions include monit. However monit is not included in official Red hat enterprise Linux. Just download monit source code from official web site using wget command:

# cd /opt

# wget http://www.tildeslash.com/monit/dist/monit-4.8.2.tar.gz

Untar monit

# tar -zcvf monit-4.8.2.tar.gz

# cd monit-4.8.2

Configure and compile monit:

# ./configure

# make

Install monit

# make install

Copy monit configuration file:

# cp monitrc /etc/monitrc

By default monit is located at /usr/local/bin/monit

How do I Configure monit?

monitrc is name of monit configuration file and it is by default located at /etc/monitrc location. However each distribution places file in different location: .

=> Source code installation : /etc/monitrc

=> Debian / Unentu Linux installation : /etc/monit/monitrc

Open monit configuration file and setup values as follows:

# vi /etc/monitrc

a) Run it as daemon and check the services (such as web, mysql, sshd) at 2-minute


set daemon 120

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Tags:如何 检测 重启

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