2006-03-30 10:49:49 来源:WEB开发网另外还有一个补丁是用来解决某些情况下ARP协议不能正常工作问题的,从http://www.ssi.bg/~ja/hidden-2.4.20pre10-1.diff下载。
cd /usr/src
gzip -cd linux-2.4.20-ipvs-1.0.9.patch.gz
cd /usr/src/linux
patch -p1 < ../linux-2.4.20-ipvs-1.0.9.patch
patch -p1 < ../hidden-2.4.20pre10-1.diff
make mrproper
make menuconfig
执行make menuconfig时,我们将进入一个图形化的界面,在其中可以对Linux Kernel进行详细设置。与LVS相关的kernel选项都在“Networking options”中,进入“Networking options”,可以查看到“IP: Virtual Server Configuration”选项,将其它所有的子选项都选上:
<M> virtual server support (EXPERIMENTAL)
[*] IP virtual server debugging
(12) IPVS connection table size (the Nth power of 2)
--- IPVS scheduler
<M> round-robin scheduling
<M> weighted round-robin scheduling
<M> least-connection scheduling scheduling
<M> weighted least-connection scheduling
<M> locality-based least-connection scheduling
<M> locality-based least-connection with replication scheduling
<M> destination hashing scheduling
<M> source hashing scheduling
<M> shortest expected delay scheduling
<M> never queue scheduling
--- IPVS application helper
<M> FTP protocol helper