Linux Security Framework -- Apparmor机制介绍
2012-09-05 09:54:22 来源:WEB开发网sudo apt-get install apparmor-utils
#include <tunables/global>
/usr/bin/kopete { //需要限制的应用程序的名称
#include <abstractions/X>
#include <abstractions/audio>
#include <abstractions/base>
#include <abstractions/kde>
#include <abstractions/nameservice>
#include <abstractions/user-tmp>
deny @{HOME}/.bash* rw,
deny @{HOME}/.cshrc rw,
deny @{HOME}/.profile rw,
deny @{HOME}/.ssh/* rw,
deny @{HOME}/.zshrc rw,
/etc/X11/cursors/oxy-white.theme r,
/etc/default/apport r,
/etc/kde4/* r,
/etc/kde4rc r,
/etc/kderc r,
/etc/security/* r,
/etc/ssl/certs/* r,
owner /home/*/ r,
/opt/firefox/ Px,
/usr/bin/convert rix,
/usr/bin/kde4 rix,
/usr/bin/kopete r,
/usr/bin/ rix,
/usr/bin/launchpad-integration ix,
/usr/bin/xdg-open mrix,
/usr/lib/firefox*/ Px,
/usr/lib/kde4/**.so mr,
/usr/lib/kde4/libexec/drkonqi ix,
/usr/share/emoticons/ r,
/usr/share/emoticons/** r,
/usr/share/enchant/** r,
/usr/share/kde4/** r,
/usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/** r,
/usr/share/locale-langpack/** r,
/usr/share/myspell/** r,
owner @{HOME}/.config/** rwk,
owner @{HOME}/.kde/** rwlk,
owner @{HOME}/.local/share/mime/** r,
owner @{HOME}/.thumbnails/** rw,
owner @{HOME}/Downloads/ rw,
owner @{HOME}/Downloads/** rw,
r = read
w = write
l = link
k = lock
a = append
ix = inherit = Inherit the parent's profile.
px = requires a separate profile exists for the application, with environment scrubbing.
Px = requires a separate profile exists for the application, without environment scrubbing.
ux and Ux = Allow execution of an application unconfined, with and without environmental scrubbing. (use with caution if at all).
m = allow executable mapping.