开发学院软件开发VC File Mapping析疑 阅读

File Mapping析疑

 2008-09-23 19:27:20 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示: You should not use file mapping in the following situations:You want to read a file sequentially from start to finish only once.The file is sever

You should not use file mapping in the following situations:

You want to read a file sequentially from start to finish only once.

The file is several hundred megabytes or more in size. (Mapping large files fills virtual memory space quickly. In addition, your program may not have the available space if it has been running for a while or its memory space is fragmented.)





[1] Computer Systems:A Programmer's Perspective ,Chapter 10 Virtual Memory

[2] Memory Management

[3]Virtual Memory and Memory Mapping

[4] Mapping Files Into Memory

文章来源: http://hi.baidu.com/daping_zhang/blog/item/5e34843511d2f51190ef3902.html

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