VC实用小知识总结 (一)
2007-03-21 21:29:02 来源:WEB开发网核心提示: 可以使用新的SDK函数SetWindowRgn,该函数将绘画和鼠标消息限定在窗口的一个指定的区域,VC实用小知识总结 (一)(9),实际上使窗口成为指定的不规则形状, 使用AppWizard创建一个基于对的应用程序并使用资源编辑器从主对话资源中删除所在的缺省控件、标题以及边界,voik C
可以使用新的SDK函数SetWindowRgn。该函数将绘画和鼠标消息限定在窗口的一个指定的区域,实际上使窗口成为指定的不规则形状。 使用AppWizard创建一个基于对的应用程序并使用资源编辑器从主对话资源中删除所在的缺省控件、标题以及边界。
Class CRoundDlg : public CDialog
private :
Crgn m_rgn : // window region
BOOL CRoundDlg : : OnInitDialog ( )
CDialog : : OnInitDialog ( )
//Get size of dialog .
CRect rcDialog
GetClientRect (rcDialog )
// Create region and assign to window .
m_rgn . CreateEllipticRgn (0 , 0 , rcDialog.Width( ) , rcDialog.Height ( ) )
SetWindowRgn (GetSafeHwnd ( ) , (HRGN) m_ rgn ,TRUE )
return TRUE
通过建立区域和调用SetWindowRgn,已经建立一个不规则形状的窗口,下面的例子程序是修改OnPaint函数使窗口形状看起来象一个球形体。 voik CRoundDlg : : OnPaint ( )
CPaintDC de (this) // device context for painting
//draw ellipse with out any border
dc. SelecStockObject (NULL_PEN)
//get the RGB colour components of the sphere color
COLORREF color= RGB( 0 , 0 , 255)
BYTE byRed =GetRValue (color)
BYTE byGreen = GetGValue (color)
BYTE byBlue = GetBValue (color)
// get the size of the view window
Crect rect
GetClientRect (rect)
// get minimun number of units
int nUnits =min (rect.right , rect.bottom )
//calculate he horiaontal and vertical step size
float fltStepHorz = (float) rect.right /nUnits
float fltStepVert = (float) rect.bottom /nUnits
int nEllipse = nUnits/3 // calculate how many to
int nIndex
// current ellipse that is being draw
CBrush brush
// bursh used for ellipse fill color
CBrush *pBrushOld // previous
brush that was selected into dc
//draw ellipse , gradually moving towards upper-right
for (nIndex = 0 nIndes < + nEllipse nIndes++)
//creat solid brush
brush . CreatSolidBrush (RGB ( ( (nIndex*byRed ) /nEllipse ).
( ( nIndex * byGreen ) /nEllipse ), ( (nIndex * byBlue)
/nEllipse ) ) )
//select brush into dc
pBrushOld= dc .SelectObject (&brhsh)
//draw ellipse
dc .Ellipse ( (int) fltStepHorz * 2, (int) fltStepVert * nIndex ,
rect. right -( (int) fltStepHorz * nIndex )+ 1,
rect . bottom -( (int) fltStepVert * (nIndex *2) ) +1)
//delete the brush
brush.DelecteObject ( )
最后,处理WM_NCHITTEST消息,使当击打窗口的任何位置时能移动窗口。 UINT CRoundDlg : : OnNchitTest (Cpoint point )
//Let user move window by clickign anywhere on thewindow .
UINT nHitTest = CDialog : : OnNcHitTest (point)
rerurn (nHitTest = = HTCLIENT)? HTCAPTION: nHitTest
(25) 如何获取应用程序的 实例句柄?应用程序的实例句柄保存在CWinApp m_hInstance 中,可以这么调用AfxGetInstancdHandle获得句柄.
Example: HANDLE hInstance=AfxGetInstanceHandle()