开发学院软件开发VC 浅谈PDFlib中文输出(二)如何在PDFlib中使用其他... 阅读


 2007-03-15 21:55:57 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示: 下面是一个相关的例子--C 源程序/***//* This example demostrates the usage of host font and other fonts/* based on Chinese Simplifed Windows./***/#include <s

下面是一个相关的例子--C 源程序/*******************************************************************/
/* This example demostrates the usage of host font and other fonts
/* based on Chinese Simplifed Windows.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "pdflib.h"
int main(void)
  PDF     *p = NULL;
  int       i = 0, j = 0, Left = 50, Top = 800;
  int       Font_E = 0, Font_CS = 0;
  char     fontfile[1024];
  char     buf[1024];
  char     TextUnicode[] = "x80x7Bx53x4Fx2Dx4Ex87x65";
  /* create a new PDFlib object */
  if ((p = PDF_new()) == (PDF *) 0)
    printf("Couldn't create PDFlib object (out of memory)!
  PDF_TRY(p) {
  if (PDF_begin_document(p, "pdflib_cs2.pdf", 0, "") == -1)
    printf("Error: %s
", PDF_get_errmsg(p));
  PDF_set_info(p, "Creator", "pdflib_cs2.c");
  PDF_set_info(p, "Author", "myi@pdflib.com");
  PDF_set_info(p, "Title", "Output Chinese Simplify with host font and others");
    /* Start a new page. */
    PDF_begin_page_ext(p, a4_width, a4_height, "");
    Font_E = PDF_load_font(p, "Helvetica-Bold", 0, "winansi", "");
    /* Using host font -- C:WINDOWSFontsSimHei.ttf.
      PDFlib is using BOM UTF8 string to calling multi-byte character string
      SimHei.ttf font name is "黑体", its corresponding BOM UTF8 string is
      "xEFxBBxBFxE9xBBx91xE4xBDx93" */
    Font_CS= PDF_load_font(p, "xEFxBBxBFxE9xBBx91xE4xBDx93", 0, "unicode", "");
    /* Font_CS= PDF_load_font(p, "SimHei", 0, "unicode", ""); */
    PDF_setfont(p, Font_E, 20);
    PDF_show_xy(p, "SimHei font:" , Left, Top);
    PDF_setfont(p, Font_CS, 24);
    PDF_show_xy(p, TextUnicode , Left, Top);
    /* Using other disk-based font file that is not installed in system directory --
    strcpy(fontfile, "C:\PSFONTS\CS\gkai00mp.ttf");
    sprintf(buf, "kai=%s", fontfile);
    /* Defines kai as alias for ..gkai00mp.ttf */
    PDF_set_parameter(p, "FontOutline", buf);
    Font_CS= PDF_load_font(p, "kai", 0, "unicode", "");
    PDF_setfont(p, Font_E, 20);
    PDF_show_xy(p, "AR PL KaitiM GB font:" , Left, Top);
    PDF_setfont(p, Font_CS, 24);
    PDF_show_xy(p, TextUnicode , Left, Top);
    /* Using TrueType collection font with index -- C:WINDOWSFontssimsun.ttc*/
    strcpy(fontfile, "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\simsun.ttc");
    sprintf(buf, "simsun=%s", fontfile);
    /* Defines AdobeSongStd as alias for ..AdobeSongStd-Light.otf
    This only need to claim once will be sufficient to
    configure all fonts in simsun.ttc*/
    PDF_set_parameter(p, "FontOutline", buf);
    /* TTC files contain multiple separate fonts.
    Address 1st font by appending a colon character and 0 after alias simsun */
    Font_CS= PDF_load_font(p, "simsun:0", 0, "unicode", "");
    PDF_setfont(p, Font_E, 20);
    PDF_show_xy(p, "simsun:0 font:", Left, Top);
    PDF_setfont(p, Font_CS, 24);
    PDF_show_xy2(p, TextUnicode, 8, Left, Top);
    /*Address 2nd font by appending a colon character and 1 after alias simsun */
    Font_CS= PDF_load_font(p, "simsun:1", 0, "unicode", "");
    PDF_setfont(p, Font_E, 20);
    PDF_show_xy(p, "simsun:1 font:", Left, Top);
    PDF_setfont(p, Font_CS, 24);
    PDF_show_xy2(p, TextUnicode, 8, Left, Top);
    /* End of page. */
    PDF_end_page_ext(p, "");
    PDF_end_document(p, "");
  PDF_CATCH(p) {
    printf("PDFlib exception occurred in pdflib_cs2 sample:
    printf("[%d] %s: %s
    PDF_get_errnum(p), PDF_get_apiname(p), PDF_get_errmsg(p));
  return 0;

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