2009-10-15 11:57:44 来源:WEB开发网最后再说说“备忘录”法。其实它算是动态规划的一种变形,它既具有通常的动态规划方法的效率,又采用了一种自顶向下的策略。其思想就是备忘原问题的自然但低效的递归算法。像在通常的动态规划中一样,维护一个记录了子问题解的表,但有关填表动作的控制结构更像递归算法。
1 #include <iostream>
2 #define M 100
4 using namespace std;
6 const bool debug = false; // Whether to print debug info
7 const bool memoize = true; // Whether to use memoization
8 unsigned int cnt = 0; // Line number for the debug info
10 int memoizedDistance[M][M]; // Matrix for memoiztion
12 int minValue(int a, int b, int c)
13 {
14 if(a < b && a < c) return a;
15 else if(b < a && b < c) return b;
16 else return c;
17 }
19 /*
20 * A recursive method which can be decorated by memoization.
21 * Calculate from top to bottom.
22 */
23 int calculateStringDistance(string strA, int pABegin, int pAEnd, string strB, int pBBegin, int pBEnd)
24 {
25 if(memoize && memoizedDistance[pABegin][pBBegin] >= 0)
26 return memoizedDistance[pABegin][pBBegin];
28 if(pABegin > pAEnd)
29 {
30 if(pBBegin > pBEnd)
31 {
32 if(memoize)
33 memoizedDistance[pABegin][pBBegin] = 0;
34 if(debug)
35 cout << cnt++ << ": m(" << pABegin << "," << pBBegin << ")=0" << endl;
36 return 0;
37 }
38 else
39 {
40 int temp = pBEnd - pBBegin + 1;
41 if(memoize)
42 memoizedDistance[pABegin][pBBegin] = temp;
43 if(debug)
44 cout << cnt++ << ": m(" << pABegin << "," << pBBegin << ")=" << temp << endl;
45 return temp;
46 }
47 }
49 if(pBBegin > pBEnd)
50 {
51 if(pABegin > pAEnd)
52 {
53 if(memoize)
54 memoizedDistance[pABegin][pBBegin] = 0;
55 if(debug)
56 cout << cnt++ << ": m(" << pABegin << "," << pBBegin << ")=0" << endl;
57 return 0;
58 }
59 else
60 {
61 int temp = pAEnd - pABegin + 1;
62 if(memoize)
63 memoizedDistance[pABegin][pBBegin] = temp;
64 if(debug)
65 cout << cnt++ << ": m(" << pABegin << "," << pBBegin << ")=" << temp << endl;
66 return temp;
67 }
68 }
70 if(strA[pABegin] == strB[pBBegin])
71 {
72 int temp = calculateStringDistance(strA, pABegin+1, pAEnd, strB, pBBegin+1, pBEnd);
73 if(memoize)
74 memoizedDistance[pABegin][pBBegin] = temp;
75 if(debug)
76 cout << cnt++ << ": m(" << pABegin << "," << pBBegin << ")=" << temp << endl;
77 return temp;
78 }
79 else
80 {
81 int t1 = calculateStringDistance(strA, pABegin, pAEnd, strB, pBBegin+1, pBEnd);
82 int t2 = calculateStringDistance(strA, pABegin+1, pAEnd, strB, pBBegin, pBEnd);
83 int t3 = calculateStringDistance(strA, pABegin+1, pAEnd, strB, pBBegin+1, pBEnd);
84 int temp = minValue(t1, t2, t3) + 1;
85 if(memoize)
86 memoizedDistance[pABegin][pBBegin] = temp;
87 if(debug)
88 cout << cnt++ << ": m(" << pABegin << "," << pBBegin << ")=" << temp << endl;
89 return temp;
90 }
91 }
93 int main()
94 {
95 if(memoize)
96 {
97 // initialize the matrix : memoizedDistance[][]
98 for(int i = 0; i < M; i++)
99 for(int j = 0; j < M; j++)
100 memoizedDistance[i][j] = -1; // -1 means unfilled cell yet
101 }
103 string strA = "abcdfef";
104 string strB = "a";
106 cout << endl << "Similarity = "
107 << 1.0 / (1 + calculateStringDistance(strA, 0, (int)strA.length()-1, strB, 0, (int)strB.length()-1))
108 << endl;
110 return 0;
111 }
总结 : 可以计算出,如果不用动态规划或是做备忘录,最坏情况下复杂度约为:lenA!*lenB!。使用动态规划的复杂度为O((lenA+1)*(lenB+1))。递归并做备忘录的方法最坏情况下复杂度为O((lenA+1)*(lenB+1))。