实战 Groovy: 用 Groovy 打造服务器端
2009-11-19 00:00:00 来源:WEB开发网
清单 6. 一个诊断 Groovletimport com.vanward.resource.hibernate.factory.DefaultHibernateSessionFactory
* Tests VM version from environment- note, even 1.5 will
* cause an assertion error.
def testVMVersion(){
println "<h3>JVM Version Check: </h3>"
vers = System.getProperty("java.version")
assert vers.startsWith("1.4"): "JVM must be at least 1.4"
println "<p>JVM version: ${vers} </p>"
* Attempts to create an instance of a hibernate session. If this
* works we have a connection to a database; additionally, we
* have a properly configured hibernate instance.
def testHibernate(){
println "<h3>Hibernate Configuration Check: </h3>"
sessFactory = DefaultHibernateSessionFactory.getInstance()
session = sessFactory.getHibernateSession()
assert session != null: "Unable to create hibernate session.
Session was null"
println "<p>Hibernate configuration check was successful</p>"
}catch(Throwable tr){
println """
<p>Unable to create hibernate session. Exception type is: <br/>
<i>${tr.toString()} </i><br/>
println """
<title>Diagnostics Check</title></head>
println """
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