开发学院软件开发Java 为 SWT 应用程序配备内容助理:通过上下文敏感的智... 阅读

为 SWT 应用程序配备内容助理:通过上下文敏感的智能内容完成建议,提高最终用户的便利性和生产率

 2009-12-14 00:00:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示: 清单 8. 建议集合//ProposalpartbeforecursorprivatefinalstaticString[]STRUCTTAGS1=newString[]{"<P>","<ASRC=\"","<T

清单 8. 建议集合
// Proposal part before cursor 
private final static String[] STRUCTTAGS1 = 
  new String[] { "<P>", "<A SRC=\"", "<TABLE>", "<TR>", "<TD>" }; 
// Proposal part after cursor 
private final static String[] STRUCTTAGS2 = 
  new String[] { "",  "\"></A>",  "</TABLE>", "</TR>", "</TD>" } 

可以看到,我们将每个标签建议划分为两个部分:一部分在预计的光标位置之前,一部分在预计的光标位置之后。清单 9 显示了编译这些建议的 computeStructureProposals() 方法。

清单 9. computeStructureProposals
private void computeStructureProposals(String qualifier, int documentOffset, List propList) { 
  int qlen = qualifier.length(); 
  // Loop through all proposals 
  for (int i = 0; i < STRUCTTAGS1.length; i++) { 
   String startTag = STRUCTTAGS1[i]; 
   // Check if proposal matches qualifier 
   if (startTag.startsWith(qualifier)) { 
     // Yes -- compute whole proposal text 
     String text = startTag + STRUCTTAGS2[i]; 
     // Derive cursor position 
     int cursor = startTag.length(); 
     // Construct proposal 
     CompletionProposal proposal = 
      new CompletionProposal(text, documentOffset - qlen, qlen, cursor); 
     // and add to result list 

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Tags:SWT 应用程序 配备

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