开发学院软件开发Java 创建一种声明性 XML UI 语言:用 Java 语言构建一... 阅读

创建一种声明性 XML UI 语言:用 Java 语言构建一个 UI 和配套框架

 2009-10-19 00:00:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示: 绑定最后一个需要研究的代码部分是处理运行时绑定,调用 XUI 对象的 bind 方法时,创建一种声明性 XML UI 语言:用 Java 语言构建一个 UI 和配套框架(10),BindingFactory 的一个实例将被调用,要将模型代码绑定到已构造的 GUI,因为它们都是入口点, 如果 JA


最后一个需要研究的代码部分是处理运行时绑定。调用 XUI 对象的 bind 方法时,BindingFactory 的一个实例将被调用。

要将模型代码绑定到已构造的 GUI,BindingFactory 的 doBinding 方法(见 清单 7)必须执行以下操作:

捕获 URL,无论在本地、Internet 上或相对位置。

通过 JarURLConnection 类检查 JAR 并使用一个单独的自定义类加载器加载类。

从加载的 XML 文档查找一个类,它匹配 Resource 元素的 class 属性的名称。这个类是模型的入口点。

使用 Java 反射框架实例化这个充当入口点的类并调用它的 init 方法。init 方法在概念上类似于一个典型 Java 类的 main 方法,因为它们都是入口点。

如果 JAR 文件包含图像,还需要将图像载入内存。

清单 7. BindingFactory 的 doBinding 方法

public void doBinding(XUINode resource, XUI xui) throws XUIBindingException, 
  MalformedURLException, IOException { 
  if(resource.getAttributeValue("type").equals("java")) { 
    String className = resource.getAttributeValue("class"); 
    String aURLString = resource.getAttributeValue("uri"); 
    URL url = null; 
    // get the url ... if it's not a valid URL, then try and grab 
    // it as a relative URL (i.e. java.io.File). If that fails 
    // re-throw the exception, it's toast 
    try { 
      url = new URL("jar:" + aURLString + "!/"); 
    } catch (MalformedURLException mue) { 
      String s = "jar:file://" + new File(aURLString) 
        .getAbsolutePath().replace("\\", "/") + "!/"; 
      url = new URL(s); 
      if(url == null) { 
        // it really was malformed after all 
        throw new 
          MalformedURLException("Couldn't bind to: " 
          + aURLString); 
    // get a jar connection 
    JarURLConnection jarConnection = (JarURLConnection)url.openConnection(); 
    // get the jar file 
    JarFile jarFile = jarConnection.getJarFile(); 
    // jar files have entries. Cycle through the entries until finding 
    // the class sought after. 
    Enumeration entries = jarFile.entries(); 
    // the class that will be the entry point into the model 
    JarEntry modelClassEntry = null; 
    Class modelClass = null; 
    XUIClassLoader xuiLoader = 
      new XUIClassLoader(this.getClass().getClassLoader()); 
    while(entries.hasMoreElements()) { 
      JarEntry remoteClass = (JarEntry)entries.nextElement(); 
      // load the classes 
      if(remoteClass.getName().endsWith(".class")) { 
        // have to get the second last word between period marks. This 
        // is because the convention allows for: 
        // org.purnamaproject.xui.XUI 
        // that is, the periods can represent packages. 
        StringTokenizer st = 
          new StringTokenizer(remoteClass.getName(), "."); 
        String previousToken = st.nextToken(); 
        String currentToken = ""; 
        String nameOfClassToLoad = previousToken; 
        while(st.hasMoreTokens()) { 
          currentToken = st.nextToken(); 
            nameOfClassToLoad = previousToken; 
          else { 
            nameOfClassToLoad += currentToken; 
        // get an output stream (byte based) attach it to the 
        //inputstream from the jar file based on the jar entry. 
        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); 
        InputStream is = jarFile.getInputStream(remoteClass); 
        final byte[] bytes = new byte[1024]; 
        int read = 0; 
        while ((read = is.read(bytes)) >= 0) { 
          baos.write(bytes, 0, read); 
        Class c = xuiLoader.getXUIClass(nameOfClassToLoad, baos); 
        // check for the class that has the init method. 
        if(remoteClass.getName().equals(className + ".class")) { 
          modelClassEntry = remoteClass; 
          modelClass = c; 
      } else { 
        String imageNameLowerCase = remoteClass.getName().toLowerCase(); 
          || imageNameLowerCase.endsWith(".jpg") 
          || imageNameLowerCase.endsWith(".gif") 
          || imageNameLowerCase.endsWith(".png")) { 
          // add resources (images) 
          XUIResources.getInstance().addResource(remoteClass, jarFile); 
    // now instantiate the model. 
    try { 
      // create a new instance of this class 
      Object o = modelClass.newInstance(); 
      // get the method called 'init'. This is part of the API 
      // requirement 
      Method m = modelClass.getMethod("init", new Class[] {XUI.class}); 
      // at last, call the method up. 
      m.invoke(o, new Object[] {xui}); 
    } catch(InstantiationException ie) { 
    } catch(IllegalAccessException iae) { 
    } catch(NoSuchMethodException nsm) { 
    } catch(InvocationTargetException ite) { 
  } else { 
    throw new XUIBindingException( 
      "This platform/API requires Java libraries."); 

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