在 Apache 目录服务器中存储 Java 对象,第 2 部分:在 ApacheDS 中存储、搜索和检索 Java 对象(上)
2010-04-19 00:00:00 来源:WEB开发网应用程序 2. 存储带有属性的 Java 对象
在这个示例中,将学习如何用前面提到过的带三个参数的 bind() 方法将属性添加到 Java 对象中。参见清单 4 中叫做 StoreBobPreferences 的示例应用程序。这个应用程序为名为 Bob 的用户创建了一个条目,并且还在该条目中存储 Bob 的选项(即属性),它用一个操作就完成了这两个步骤。
清单 4. StoreBobPreferences
public class StoreBobPreferences{
public StoreBobPreferences ()
try {
//Step1: Setting up JNDI properties for ApacheDS
InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream( "apacheds.properties");
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty("java.naming.security.credentials", "secret");
//Step2: Fetching a DirContext object
DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(properties);
//Step3A: Instantiate a Java Object
MessagingPreferences preferences = new MessagingPreferences();
//Step3B: Instantiate BasicAttribute object
Attribute objclass = new BasicAttribute("objectClass");
//Step3C: Supply value of attribute
//Step3D: Put the attribute in attribute collection
Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(true);
//Step4: Store the Java object in ApacheDS
String bindContext = "uid=Bob,ou=users";
ctx.bind( bindContext, preferences, attrs);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Operation failed: " + e);
public static void main(String[] args) {
StoreBobPreferences storeBobPref = new StoreBobPreferences();
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