使用 Apache Geronimo 和 JMS 构建事件驱动的框架
2010-04-23 00:00:00 来源:WEB开发网注意: EventChannel 类的完整源代码可从本文末尾的 下载 部分通过下载获得。
清单 5 显示事件消费者的实现摘录。
清单 5. 事件消费者的实现
class EventConsumer
implements Runnable, ExceptionListener
private boolean running = false;
private boolean stopped = true;
private EventChannel eventChannel = null;
private EventConsumer(EventChannel eventChannel)
this.eventChannel = eventChannel;
public void run()
log.info("Event Consumer started");
// Create a Topic Connection, Session, and a MessageConsumer for the Topic
// loop until stopped and distribute events to the event channel
// using the handleEvent method
stopped = true;
log.info("Event Consumer stopped");
public void shutdown()
running = false;
while (stopped == false)
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