开发学院软件开发汇编语言 汇编语言编写DOS下的内存驻留程序(3) 阅读


 2007-04-25 09:29:45 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:push dx push sipush dx ;Save low nybble temporarilypush cx ;Save CXmov cl,4 ;Set shift count to 4shr dx,cl ;Shift high nybble into low nybbleand dx,0fh ;Mask ou

push dx 
push si
push dx ;Save low nybble temporarily
push cx ;Save CX
mov cl,4 ;Set shift count to 4
shr dx,cl ;Shift high nybble into low nybble
and dx,0fh ;Mask out all but low nybble
mov si,dx ;Use low nybble as index into
mov al,hextab[si] ;hexadecimal character table
call dchar ;Display character
pop cx ;Restore CX
pop dx ;Restore low nybble
and dx,0fh ;Mask out all but low nybble
mov si,dx ;Use low nybble as an index into
mov al,hextab[si] ;hexadecimal character table
call dchar ;Display character
pop si ;Restore registers
pop dx
pop ax
dbyte endp
;Display a ":"
dcolon proc near
mov al,':'
call dchar
dcolon endp
;Display a " "
dspace proc near
mov al,' '
call dchar
dspace endp
;Display a Carriage Return/Line Feed
dcrlf proc near
mov al,0dh
call dchar
mov al,0ah
call dchar
dcrlf endp
;Display the character contained in AL
dchar proc near
push ax
push bx
mov bh,1
mov ah,0eh
int 10h
pop bx
pop ax
dchar endp
;Data define
hextab db '0123456789ABCDEF',0
disptab db 05h ;Print screen
dw v05
db 19h ;Bootstrap loader
dw v19 
db 08h ;Timer tick
dw v08
db 1ah ;Real_time clock
dw v1a
db 09h ;Keyboard input
dw v09 
db 1bh ;CTRL_Break handler
dw v1b 
db 0bh ;Comm.port 1
dw v0b 
db 1ch ;Timer control
dw v1c
db 0ch ;Comm.port 0
dw v0c
db 1dh ;Pointer to video parameter table
dw v1d
db 0dh ;Hard disk controller
dw v0d
db 1eh ;Pointer to disk parameter table
dw v1e
db 0eh ;Floppy disk controller
dw v0e 
db 1fh ;Pointer graphics character table
dw v1f
db 0fh ;Printer controller
dw v0f 
db 20h ;Program terminate
dw v20
db 10h ;Video driver
dw v10
db 21h ;DOS universal function
dw v21
db 11h ;Equipment check
dw v11 
db 22h ;Pointer to termination handler
dw v22
db 12h ;Memorey size check
dw v12
db 23h ;Pointer to Ctrl_C handler
dw v23
db 13h ;Disk driver
dw v13
db 24h ;Pointer to critical error handler
dw v24
db 14h ;Communications driver
dw v14
db 25h ;Absolute disk read
dw v25
db 15h ;Cassette driver
dw v15
db 26h ;Absolute disk write
dw v26 
db 16h ;Keyboard driver
dw v16
db 27h ;Terminate and stay resident
dw v27
db 17h ;Printer driver
dw v17
db 2fh ;Print spooler
dw v2f
db 18h ;Rom basic
dw v18
db 0
dw 0
v05 db 186,5 dup (20h),'Print screen:',26 dup (20h),0
v08 db 186,5 dup (20h),'Timer tick controller:',17 dup (20h),0
v09 db 186,5 dup (20h),'Keyboard input:',24 dup (20h),0 
v0b db 186,5 dup (20h),'Communication port 1:',18 dup (20h),0
v0c db 186,5 dup (20h),'Communication port 0:',18 dup (20h),0
v0d db 186,5 dup (20h),'Hard disk controller:',18 dup (20h),0
v0e db 186,5 dup (20h),'Floppy disk controller:',16 dup (20h),0
v0f db 186,5 dup (20h),'Printer controller:',20 dup (20h),0
v10 db 186,5 dup (20h),'Video driver:',26 dup (20h),0

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Tags:汇编语言 编写 DOS

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