开发学院软件开发C语言 浅析如何用C#.NET做屏幕截图软件以及注册全局快捷... 阅读


 2010-09-30 22:42:43 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示: 通过上面代码可知,类库里面最后调用的是windows 的API :BitBlt(),这就是我们要说的第二种方法,浅析如何用C#.NET做屏幕截图软件以及注册全局快捷键(上)(2),2、平台调用,即调用windows的API函数,我们只关心它的最后一个参数/// <param name=&q

通过上面代码可知,类库里面最后调用的是windows 的API :BitBlt(),这就是我们要说的第二种方法。


先来看看BitBlt()的description:The BitBlt function performs a bit-block transfer of the color data corresponding to a rectangle of pixels from the specified source device context into a destination device context.

这里,我们只关心它的最后一个参数/// <param name="dwRop">A raster-operation code.</param>

中文翻译大概叫作:光栅操作码。大概就是控制从source device context 到 destination device context的拷贝方式。它是一个DWORD类型,取值在

// Summary: 
    //     Determines how the source color in a copy pixel operation is combined with 
    //     the destination color to result in a final color. 
    public enum CopyPixelOperation 
        // Summary: 
        //     The bitmap is not mirrored. 
        NoMirrorBitmap = -2147483648, 
        // Summary: 
        //     The destination area is filled by using the color associated with index 0 
        //     in the physical palette. (This color is black for the default physical palette.) 
        Blackness = 66, 
        // Summary: 
        //     The source and destination colors are combined using the Boolean OR operator, 
        //     and then resultant color is then inverted. 
        NotSourceErase = 1114278, 
        // Summary: 
        //     The inverted source area is copied to the destination. 
        NotSourceCopy = 3342344, 
        // Summary: 
        //     The inverted colors of the destination area are combined with the colors 
        //     of the source area using the Boolean AND operator. 
        SourceErase = 4457256, 
        // Summary: 
        //     The destination area is inverted. 
        DestinationInvert = 5570569, 
        // Summary: 
        //     The colors of the brush currently selected in the destination device context 
        //     are combined with the colors of the destination are using the Boolean XOR 
        //     operator. 
        PatInvert = 5898313, 
        // Summary: 
        //     The colors of the source and destination areas are combined using the Boolean 
        //     XOR operator. 
        SourceInvert = 6684742, 
        // Summary: 
        //     The colors of the source and destination areas are combined using the Boolean 
        //     AND operator. 
        SourceAnd = 8913094, 
        // Summary: 
        //     The colors of the inverted source area are merged with the colors of the 
        //     destination area by using the Boolean OR operator. 
        MergePaint = 12255782, 
        // Summary: 
        //     The colors of the source area are merged with the colors of the selected 
        //     brush of the destination device context using the Boolean AND operator. 
        MergeCopy = 12583114, 
        // Summary: 
        //     The source area is copied directly to the destination area. 
        SourceCopy = 13369376, 
        // Summary: 
        //     The colors of the source and destination areas are combined using the Boolean 
        //     OR operator. 
        SourcePaint = 15597702, 
        // Summary: 
        //     The brush currently selected in the destination device context is copied 
        //     to the destination bitmap. 
        PatCopy = 15728673, 
        // Summary: 
        //     The colors of the brush currently selected in the destination device context 
        //     are combined with the colors of the inverted source area using the Boolean 
        //     OR operator. The result of this operation is combined with the colors of 
        //     the destination area using the Boolean OR operator. 
        PatPaint = 16452105, 
        // Summary: 
        //     The destination area is filled by using the color associated with index 1 
        //     in the physical palette. (This color is white for the default physical palette.) 
        Whiteness = 16711778, 
        // Summary: 
        //     Windows that are layered on top of your window are included in the resulting 
        //     image. By default, the image contains only your window. Note that this generally 
        //     cannot be used for printing device contexts. 
        CaptureBlt = 1073741824, 

Tags:浅析 如何 NET

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