Effective C# 原则24:选择申明式编程而不是命令式编程
2009-02-19 08:16:28 来源:WEB开发网下一步,你要写一个实现了IComparer接口的类。(在原则26中会详细的充分讨论比较。) ICompare有一个CompareTo()方法来比较两个给定类型的对象,把特性放在实现了IComparable的类上,就可以定义排序顺序了。构造函数对于通用的比较,可以发现默认的排序属性标记,而这个标记是基于已经比较过的类型。Compare方法对任何类型的两个对象进行排序,使用默认的排序属性:
internal class GenericComparer : IComparer
// Information about the default property:
private readonly PropertyDescriptor _sortProp;
// Ascending or descending.
private readonly bool _reverse = false;
// Construct for a type
public GenericComparer( Type t ) :
this( t, false )
// Construct for a type
// and a direction
public GenericComparer( Type t, bool reverse )
_reverse = reverse;
// find the attribute,
// and the name of the sort property:
// Get the default sort attributes on the type:
object [] a = t.GetCustomAttributes(
typeof( DefaultSortAttribute ),false );
// Get the PropertyDescriptor for that property:
if ( a.Length > 0 )
DefaultSortAttribute sortName = a[ 0 ] as DefaultSortAttribute;
string name = sortName.Name;
// Initialize the sort property:
PropertyDescriptorCollection props =
TypeDescriptor.GetProperties( t );
if ( props.Count > 0 )
foreach ( PropertyDescriptor p in props )
if ( p.Name == name )
// Found the default sort property:
_sortProp = p;
// Compare method.
int IComparer.Compare( object left,
object right )
// null is less than any real object:
if (( left == null ) && ( right == null ))
return 0;
if ( left == null )
return -1;
if ( right == null )
return 1;
if ( _sortProp == null )
return 0;
// Get the sort property from each object:
IComparable lField =
_sortProp.GetValue( left ) as IComparable;
IComparable rField =
_sortProp.GetValue( right ) as IComparable;
int rVal = 0;
if ( lField == null )
if ( rField == null )
return 0;
return -1;
rVal = lField.CompareTo( rField );
return ( _reverse ) ? -rVal : rVal;
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