2009-05-06 08:27:04 来源:WEB开发网注:此算法由周利华提供(http://www.cnblogs.com/architect/archive/2009/05/06/1450489.html
public int[] RadixSort(int[] ArrayToSort, int digit)
//low to high digit
for (int k = 1; k <= digit; k++)
//temp array to store the sort result inside digit
int[] tmpArray = new int[ArrayToSort.Length];
//temp array for countingsort
int[] tmpCountingSortArray = new int[10]{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
for (int i = 0; i < ArrayToSort.Length; i++)
//split the specified digit from the element
int tmpSplitDigit = ArrayToSort[i]/(int)Math.Pow(10,k-1) - (ArrayToSort[i]/(int)Math.Pow(10,k))*10;
tmpCountingSortArray[tmpSplitDigit] += 1;
for (int m = 1; m < 10; m++)
tmpCountingSortArray[m] += tmpCountingSortArray[m - 1];
//output the value to result
for (int n = ArrayToSort.Length - 1; n >= 0; n--)
int tmpSplitDigit = ArrayToSort[n] / (int)Math.Pow(10,k - 1) - (ArrayToSort[n]/(int)Math.Pow(10,k)) * 10;
tmpArray[tmpCountingSortArray[tmpSplitDigit]-1] = ArrayToSort[n];
tmpCountingSortArray[tmpSplitDigit] -= 1;
//copy the digit-inside sort result to source array
for (int p = 0; p < ArrayToSort.Length; p++)
ArrayToSort[p] = tmpArray[p];
return ArrayToSort;